
Get Inspired! Copyright © 2013. All rights reserved.

At the heart of Spark Starters is the book: Get Inspired! This book was created to fuel imagination for children of all ages. Whether reading the book independently, or following along with a grown-up, this book is packed with ways to explore imagination. To help each child develop a basic understanding of art, the book is broken up into two sections: 2 Dimensional Art and 3 Dimensional Art.  All Spark Starters Kits include a Get Inspired! book.


A Question Queen is introduced in the book, she asks important questions to help children recall information they already know about the world around them.

The 2-D section is filled with different projects that motivate a child to draw & paint different things both from their imagination, and the world around them.  Each page of the 2-D section states the question “Where ELSE can you find 2-D art?” The book suggests many fun places where readers can find 2-D art such as outer space!  Here are the outer space pages:
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The 3-D section helps a child understand different ways that they can effectively create using clay, soap, and modeling dough!   Each page of the 3-D sectio nstates the question “Where ELSE can you find 3-D art?” The book mentions many fun places where readers can find 3-D art such as the zoo!  The reader is then asked “Have you ever taken a trip to the zoo?” Here are the zoo pages:
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The end of each section helps the child to find a fun way to display his/her artwork!  Purchase Spark Starters today to receive this wonderful book and help your child ignite imagination!